20 days

only 20 days

20 days

As we reach the 20 day marker and the countdown continues, Justin and I are both excited and anxious. We are excited about what our future together holds, yet anxious to be married and slow down.

To keep you all in the loop with our many life changes, we figured a brief update was in order…

About a month ago, I packed my bags (& Justin packed the trailer) and my love and belongings drove off to our hometown of Albany, Georgia. Two weeks later, I said farewell to good friends and hello to family, old friends, Albany, a new job, and life with Justin. Although we’ve been living life at an ultra-fast pace lately, it’s such a blessing for the two of us to have a lunch date on a Tuesday or watch American Idol results with family on a Thursday. It feels good to be home. So… take all of that, add what seems like a bazillion last minute wedding details, and you have a very emotional (borderline Bridezilla) Bride and a stressed to the max Groom. Needless to say, we need your prayers! Please pray over the next 20 days for: the Lord’s guidance in each decision we make, the Lord to provide Justin with the right job, and for Him to provide us each with a peaceful spirit for us to enjoy each second as we near our wedding day.

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