Back in April, I discovered that my taste buds were fans of pimento cheese! I won’t go as far as saying that I didn’t like pimento cheese before, it was more of a fear. Hear me out, as a child (and kinda still) I feared anything with mayonnaise. If it smells or looks like it may have mayonnaise in it, I’m not touching it and definitely not about to eat it. The end. This phobia is why I’m assuming I avoided pimento cheese for so long.
Now, back-up to April when I first took a bit of this deliciousness. We were at a wedding (go figure) and the main dish, none other than pimento cheese sandwiches. Let me say, they were heaven! I couldn’t get enough of the mini triangles. (Side note, if you cut any sandwich into triangles… there is a 90% higher chance I’ll eat it!) They were seriously, so good.
So… a few weeks ago I was browsing Pinterest, when low and behold I spy a very delicious looking, pimento cheese sandwich. Unfortunately, this pin lead to a recipe that involved A TON of mayonnaise and horseradish. And if there is anything I hate more than mayonnaise, it’s horseradish. After reading through about a dozen pimento cheese recipes, I decided to just combine several recipes into what sounded good to me. This – does not usually turn out well. Me altering recipes means that the final product as a 50% chance of actually tasting good.
This time… it was perfect! Not just according to me either, Justin gave it two thumbs up!
With all of that said, are you ready for it?
Ingredients 8 oz. of sharp cheddar (block or shredded) 8 oz. of cream cheese 4 oz. of diced pimentos 1/2 cup of mayonnaise 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper house seasoning to taste (which is basically salt, pepper, and garlic powder)
Step 1. Shred the block of sharp cheddar cheese. I use this food processor (at a T.J. Maxx price) for shredding and it is awesome. Personally, I prefer and recommend shredding your own cheese for this recipe.
Step 2. Mix ’em all together. Mix the shredded cheese, cream cheese, diced pimentos, mayonnaise, cayenne pepper, and house seasoning together.
*hint: the cream cheese mixes better if at room temperature
Step 3. Serve and enjoy!
Refrigerate and pimento cheese will be delicious for at least a week. For warning, it won’t go uneaten for a week – at least not in the Heape home.
I’ve been enjoying this recipe with Wheat Thins and Triscuits, but I’m sure it’d be delicious between two slices of soft, white bread too.
This pimento cheese recipe is a new favorite in the Heape home. So try it out, enjoy, share, and let us know what you think! It’s such a quick, simple, and delicious recipe, we had to share.
hope you enjoy! happy eatin’! the newlyweds