Recently I heard a sermon focusing on prayer and how we can specifically pray for our children and young people. I found it so convicting, I can’t help but share it with all of you.
I. Intercession is not an option.
How can I position myself to be an effective intercessor?
- Make sure your heart is clean before God.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
- Pray for God’s will, not your ideas or preferences.
- Praise God that He hears, sees, and knows what is best.
- Pray according to the Word.
- Pray without ceasing.
- Pray boldly.
- Pray believing.
- Pray alert to the fact that you are in spiritual warfare.
- Thank God that He hears your prayers.
II. Investing in the Next Generation is Essential.
III. Intentionality is key.
Pray intentionally that…
- They will know Christ early in life.
- They will see sin the way God sees it.
- When they sin, they will be caught early.
- They will be protected from evil influences in their lives.
- They will have a responsible attitude in all their interpersonal relationships.
- They will respect those in authority over them.
- They will desire the right kind of friendships and be protected fro the wrong kind of friendships.
- They, as well as the one they marry, will be pure until marriage.
- They will grow in Christ’s likeness.
- They will understand who they are in Christ.

A few of my notes:
- There is no greater investment than praying for your children.
- Children need to be trained, not just in the facts of life, but in the ways of life.
- We all have influence.
- You do not get this time back.

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 3 John 4
Sermon credit to my pastor, who unapologetically preaches God’s Word each and every Sunday. I am so thankful for his leadership in our church home. You can listen to this sermon here. And for more of Sherwood Baptist Church’s sermons, click here to subscribe to the podcast.