Please pray for our dear friends Mallory and Buddy, specifically for their baby boy, James.
Nine months ago, baby James was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. This basically means that the left side of his heart didn’t develop completely. At only a few days old, James endured his first open heart surgery. Since then, he has undergone several procedures including multiple heart catheterizations. Today, he is scheduled for another heart cath. This procedure will allow the doctors to take measurements of his heart, analyze his condition, and ultimately determine if James will be placed on the heart transplant list.
Meet James,

As you go throughout your day (and on into your weekend), please keep this sweet baby in your prayers. Please pray for the Lord to grant the doctors wisdom, guidance, and gentleness throughout the procedure. Please pray for the Lord to comfort Mallory and Buddy, to give them faith, discernment, and peace. Please pray for James as he undergoes the procedure, that he will continue to be strong and that he will leave the surgery with no infection.
Thank you for your prayers! We couldn’t love this baby more, so your prayers are greatly appreciated.
because of Him, Brianne & Justin update: James is well. The heart cath procedure determined that his heart function has improved, however it is not great. In turn, the doctors have decided that he will not be placed on the heart transplant list at this time. Thank you for the continued prayers. God’s hands are definitely on this baby boy.