Joy Belle, four months.
How old is baby? 4 months. Best moment(s)? When she laughs, it makes my heart melt. Favorite food(s)? Milk. Sleep? Still only waking up once to eat (at 4 am) during the night and she goes right back to sleep. (Although, this was thrown off post-op for about a week.) Activity? Joy Belle loves to grab colorful toys or really anything she can put in her mouth. She enjoys sucking on her thumb and fingers. She loves playtime on her activity mat, but really enjoys sitting up to play these days. Mood(s)? Happy, happy, happy. She’s typically a very happy baby, with the exception of whenever she’s tired and fighting sleep. She was extremely upset and fussy for a few days after the surgery. Growth? One good thing about pre-op was accurate measurements! Joy Belle is 13 pounds, 2 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long. Favorite toy(s)? Right now she’s really enjoying the plastic links. They are easy for her to grab, to hold, and to get in her mouth. What is baby’s favorite thing to do with Mommy? Lately, she loves for me to hold her up above my head and let her fly like an airplane. She will just cackle and smile! What is baby’s favorite thing to do with Daddy? She loves for Daddy to walk around and hold her. And she really likes to sit back on his chest. Likes? She loves to sit up (or be held up), getting her diaper changed, her mermaid dolly, her lion shaker, Soothie pacifiers, walking outside/strolls, ceiling fans, daddy, and mommy. She’s a big fan of the T.V. – which I think is funny, but I did not want my child to be that child. And she loves Chipper, our English cocker spaniel. She thinks everything he does is funny. Dislikes? She’s not a fan of tummy time, Chipper’s loud bark, her hands being under blankets, bibs, loud clapping, or taking a nap.Joy Belle can’t decide which tastes better, her finger or thumb!
It’s so hard to believe that four months ago, I met this sweet bundle of joy for the first time. I never knew I could love so much. And her name couldn’t be more suiting… She’s brought us so much joy.
Happy four month birthday, Joy Belle! Mommy and Daddy love you.
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