holiday gift guides

With Christmas only 12 days away, I thought I’d share a few gift ideas for the ladies and littles. Some of these ideas are right off Joy Belle’s wishlist – and mine too!

For littles: (1) basketball goal; (2) Duplo Legos; (3) Let’s Go Fishing and Disney Eye Found It games; (4) Mickey Mouse pajamas; (5) doll house dolls; (6) doll house; (7) similar and pictured mermaid tail blanket; (8) Trolls book and Holiday Trolls book.

Awhile back I heard about the idea of simplifying Christmas by gifting the children three gifts each, like Jesus received. I honestly didn’t put much thought into it until this year. I’m not sure where I first read about it, but the general idea is to give each child 3 gifts – something they want, something they need, something to read.

So far (I think) I’ve done pretty well, they each have 3 gifts – but instead of “need” I decided to gift “something to share.” I feel like I read the idea somewhere and that one stuck out to me. Sharing is something we are constantly trying to teach, so it seemed suiting. For this idea, I snagged the Let’s Go Fishing and Eye Found It games on Black Friday. Although Britt is a bit young for some of these, he enjoys doing everything big sister does. Hopefully over the next year, we can teach him to play with us rather than destroying the game. I also got them a few books to share, which falls in the “read” category.

Britt is actually getting the basketball goal and legos! He’s all boy and enjoys throwing all the things. I’m hoping basketball will become a favorite activity and keep him from throwing toys at his sister. He’s also getting a foam t-ball set. I opted for the foam set, since hitting is also fun to him.

We are surprising Joy Belle with the dollhouse. She’s very imaginative and enjoys playing with the dollhouses she’s seen. I was so excited about this one, I had Justin put it together already. It’s hiding in the shop until Christmas morning, but I’m already envisioning her excitement. She’s also asked for a mermaid tail blanket. I really love the ones by Whimsy Tails, but they were sold out on Black Friday; so I bought a cheaper one I found in Target’s $1 spot. (It was $10.)

For her: (1) Desert Mist Diffuser; (2) Hearth & Hand frames and stone cellars; (3) TOMS slippers; (4) The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, a good book; (5) brushes and blushes; (6) a 2018 planner or journal.

Mamas need some love too! Above are my gift suggestions for the ladies, some of my favorites and several things from my wishlist.

I feel like I’ve had a very successful shopping for gifts experience this year. Most of the gifts were found at great prices on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Did you find any amazing sales or bargains? I would love to hear what your best deals have been this busy, shopping season!

*Expedited shipping by December 15th to get your Young Living products by Christmas. Deadline for standard shipping is December 14th to get your Maskcara products by Christmas! Merry Christmas and happy shopping, friends.

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