Since Britt was born, we’ve been a part of Click Photography’s Baby Club, which basically means that we have scheduled photo sessions throughout the year. Our first session was Britt’s birth at the hospital, and then newborn, 3-4 month, 6 month, 9 month and one year. With our little ones being so close in age, we’ve pretty much had some photo session every 3-6 months for the last 3 years. (Oh yea, Justin loves this. Ha!)

I could probably write a book on why I think family photo sessions are so important, but I’ll spare you and give you Cliffs notes. Most people do not take the time to print snapshots off of their phone. Most parents (moms specifically) avoid being in front of the camera. But, when you’ve paid for a family photo session: a) you’ve spent the money, so you’re more likely to print the photos and b) it’s a family session, so someone else is capturing all of you in this phase of life. There is little I value more than a photo capturing the dimples on my baby’s hands or how they comb their hair behind their ears or giggle when daddy makes a silly face or sound. These are all moments or memories captured in a photo session, framed for me to gawk over for years to come. It’s the ones of myself that I keep hidden.

With all of that said, I thought I would share some of my makeup tips for photo sessions. After all, when mama is in front of the camera – she wants to look her best.
• Be a little heavy handed on your blush, mascara, eyeshadow, and liner. Outdoor and studio lighting can zap the depth from your face and leave you looking washed out. You will want your features to be defined, but look natural. If you apply your makeup and think it looks a little heavy, you’re probably perfect.
• Highlight and contour (a.k.a. HAC), ladies! Highlighting and contouring is so amazing. It’s like perfect light following you around. And it’s easy, peasy with Maskcara Beauty’s IIID cream foundation. It’s practically color or paint by number.
• Blend, blend, blend. Did I say blend? Lines appear doubly harsh in photos, so be sure to blend any lines with a damp, perfector sponge.
• Wear foundation and product (i.e. moisturizer or primer) without SPF. SPF is what causes that ghostlike wash you see in some photos.
• Set your makeup – with a powder or spray. You want your makeup to stay put, plus sweat and oil are magnified by the camera.
• Skip (or go easy) on the shimmers. Shimmery shadows can be reflective and tend to not show their pigments well. Try using mostly matte shadows for photo sessions. (Illuminator is the exception here, as it actually photographs really well.)
• Wear color on your lips and cheeks! Choose a deeper color for a more natural lip or brighter for a pop. Without color, you’ll appear lipless in those black and white photos. This one is hard for me, because often I’m just popping in and out of the photos. A lasting lip color would be a good tip!
• Plump those lashes! I’m not big on falsies, but mostly because I can’t apply them or afford to get them done on a regular basis. But investing in a good mascara is gold. This will make a huge difference in those side profile poses!

How about you? How often do you schedule family photos? Are you ready to schedule some now? Did you find my tips helpful?