We love super soft, colorful pajamas – more specifically, Hanna jams. Most of our jammies are hand-me-downs, but that’s probably what makes me love them so much more. The quality of the fabric is amazing, so soft, and holds the vibrant colors so well. I wish we owned every set of their striped pajamas and all of their new, Bright Kids Basics!
Our nightly routine is a bit crazy and chaotic, but one of my favorite parts is zipping the babes into comfortable jammies. It’s just an added bonus that they look so cute! (The kids and jammies!)
Joy Belle’s first Christmas, we started the tradition to wear Hanna jams on Christmas morning, and the tradition has continued since. And I realized, aside from this cute picture, that I never got around to sharing some photos we had taken last winter. I can’t believe how much Britt has grown since Christmas!
Comfort and quality are what makes me love Hanna jams, but Joy Belle can’t get over the fun patterns and colors. Her absolute favorites are the shorts set in the new, unicorn pattern. Today only, the baby sleepers are $24! New to Hanna Andersson? Save 15% off of your total with code RAINBOW15.