a week in the life…

It’s Monday, so we’re recapping our busy, exciting week and weekend with our Instagram pics!

1| Early last week, I received my March, Ipsy bag. I love the nautical bag and am a huge, fan of the Hydrating Mist by Juice Beauty®.
2| You may remember this recipe I shared last week. Still on record as the best/favorite recipe yet!
3| Chevvy & Ron’s has been cranking out the orders lately and we were pretty proud of our new, tags. What do you think?
4| Like I said, cranking out the orders!
5| Nordstrom has been a saving grace these days. Not only did I find this pair of size 4 wedges, but those awesome sandals you see below. They also tweeted me a link to more size 4 shoes. Awesome? I think so.
6| A few weeks back, my in-laws traveled to Washington, DC for a conference. Due to my HUGE fascination with U.S. Presidents, they brought me back some memorabilia and I doubt I could love it (or them) more!


7| On Saturday, I (along with most of my family) attended the Utz-Allen wedding for our 2nd cousin. It was beautiful.
8| The beautiful bride and handsome groom dancing!
9| I couldn’t resist sharing… the DJ urged the groom to “not disappoint” and to “go for it” – I’d say he went for it!
10| I was all bows at the wedding – from my head to my toes!

11| We ended St. Patrick’s Day with a sushi date. My sushi came topped with green tobiko!

Just because I had such a wonderful time on Saturday at the Utz-Allen wedding, I have to share a few of my favorites from the night.


With my brother and sister after the ceremony! It’s rare these days to get a pic of the three of us together, so this one is special to me.

sisters with the groom

This one is a favorite, mostly because Derek (aka Lil’ Derek) was one of the first of the little, cousins I babysat. It’s so hard to believe that he’s now married and not so little anymore!

mr. and mrs. allen

This is my absolute favorite of the photos I snapped from the night. Check out the ring-bearer and flower girl, as they look up to the bride and groom. Too cute!

Taylor and Derek, congratulations; we couldn’t be happier for the two of you! We are excited for all the Lord has in store for you two as Mr. and Mrs. Allen.

happy Monday, friends!


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